Visual basic programming tutorial
Visual basic programming tutorial

visual basic programming tutorial visual basic programming tutorial visual basic programming tutorial

So you can see, it's using the equals sign for equality comparison, and then it's using several other logical operators, like x or, and, not. This is how to combine logical tests in an if statement. Check out line 8 in the Visual Basic example. And for comparisons, VB uses the traditional equals sign whereas C# uses the equal equal syntax. Dim x as Integer = 5, whereas C# has a different and shorter syntax. Declaring a variable in Visual Basic reads like a sentence. As you can see Visual Basic uses full names for datatypes like Boolean and Integer, while C# has abbreviated names like bool and int. For example, here is a comparison with Visual Basic and another Microsoft language, C#. It won't use acronyms, or abbreviations, or obtuse characters when a more readable approach is available. That means, where possible, use meaningful words. The aim is to have code syntax that reads and writes like English sentences, and where possible, strive to make Visual Basic keywords and syntax structure promote the clarity and readability of Visual Basic code. The Visual Basic language team follows design guidelines that make it an approachable and easy-to-learn language. The Microsoft Visual Basic programming language is a high level programming language for the Microsoft.NET framework.

Visual basic programming tutorial